THE CHALLENGE: Design a cool, engaging merchandise collection for Outward, maker of the Aperture Platform. Start with an engaging graphic, apply to t-shirt and baseball hat, then imagine how the look could expand to other products. The Outward brand should be secondary to the graphic: We want a cool [t-shirt] that happens to have a logo.
THE SOLUTION: Outward brings together the unique combination of elements required to make automated product photography possible. The logo, we aptly named "Kit & Caboodle," visually represents this combination with a modern line illustration that includes a stylized modern chair shape, Outward arrow logo mark, and cloud pattern above. The mark is engaging and friendly, yet subtly branded “Outward.” The merchandise applications are playful, unexpected, and fun.
Scroll for a quick view or click on a graphic for a closer look.

Primary logo / Text logo

Other logo color options / Product logotype


Beanie / Sticker / Gift bag / Mug

Baseball hat

Hoodie / Tote / Water bottle / Pint glass
This project was created in collaboration with Studio PKC.