THE CHALLENGE: Longtime client Puritan Medical Products wanted to create a catalog of their entire product line of medical swabs and devices — literally thousands of products, all with unique, detailed technical information in six product categories. They also wanted to include information about the Puritan brand, culture, and history. The catalog would be used as a reference for customers and internal staff as well as a sales tool.
THE SOLUTION: Over a year in the making, the "Big Catalog" (as we began calling it) was printed! The final result was an 88-page perfect-bound book with an elegant blind embossed cover. Each chapter was color coded along the outer edge of the page. Chapter openers utilized in-use photography and each section diagrammed representative "hero products" to call attention to important features. Helpful Did you know? callouts added visual interest and brand education throughout. Plus thousands of products were featured in charts with data. This special piece has been a key reference for customers as well as the internal team!
Scroll for a quick view or click on a graphic for a closer look.


Table of contents / Introduction

Front of book (selected pages)

Chapter openers

Product feature pages (selected pages)

Back of book
This project was created in collaboration with McCabe, Duval + Associates and Loon Cove Creative.